Luke a Pro

Luke Sun

Developer & Marketer

SEO: Index Now

Published: Wed Dec 28 2022 , 3 minutes reading.

“Index Now” is a feature in Bing Webmaster Tools that allows you to request that Bing crawl a specific URL on your website. This can be useful if you have recently made changes to a page on your site and you want those changes to be reflected in Bing’s search results as quickly as possible.

To use the “Index Now” feature, you must have a Bing Webmaster Tools account and have added your website to the account. Then, you can go to the “Index” section of Bing Webmaster Tools and enter the URL of the page you want to crawl. Bing will then attempt to crawl the URL and update its index with any new or updated content on the page.

It’s important to note that using the “Index Now” feature does not guarantee that your page will be indexed or appear in Bing’s search results. Bing’s crawl and indexing processes are complex and are influenced by many factors, including the quality and relevance of the content on your page, the links pointing to your page, and the overall structure of your site.

Bing’s Marketing share

in 2021, Microsoft Bing has around a 3-5% market share in search engine usage globally. However, it is important to note that market share can vary greatly depending on the region and the target audience. In some countries and regions, Bing has a larger market share, while in others it has a smaller market share. In the United States, Bing has a larger market share and is estimated to account for around 30% of all search engine usage.

To integrate IndexNow with your website you can refer to IndexNow’s website

It’s better to let your IT to this job. depending on the complexly of your website, the estimated time could take from hours to days.

Does Google has “IndexNow” feature?

Google does not have a feature equivalent to Bing’s “Index Now” option. However, Google provides several ways to request that specific pages or sections of your website be crawled and indexed.

One way to do this is to submit your sitemap to Google via the Google Search Console. A sitemap lists all of the pages on your website and provides information about when each page was last updated, the frequency with which it changes, and the importance of each page. This information can help Google understand the structure and content of your site and index it more effectively.

You can also use the “Fetch as Google” feature in Google Search Console to request that Google crawl specific pages on your site. This feature allows you to see how Google crawls and renders your pages, and to request that Google index the content on the pages.

Additionally, Google also uses links from other sites to discover new pages on your site, so building high-quality links to your site can help improve the visibility and ranking of your pages in Google’s search results.