Luke a Pro

Luke Sun

Developer & Marketer

Do you support dark mode?

Published: Tue Jan 03 2023 , 3 minutes reading.

If you’ve ever used a modern smartphone or computer, you’re probably familiar with the concept of light and dark modes. These display options allow you to switch between a light color scheme with a white or light-colored background, and a dark color scheme with a black or dark-colored background. But which is better for websites?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as it largely depends on the preferences of the user. However, there are some benefits and drawbacks to each mode that may help you decide which one to use on your website.

Benefits of Light Mode

Light mode is the default display option for most websites, and for good reason. Here are some of the benefits of using a light color scheme:

Higher Contrast: A light background with dark text creates a high contrast ratio, making it easier to read and reducing eye strain.

Familiarity: As mentioned earlier, light mode is the default display option for most websites, which means that it’s a familiar and comfortable experience for most users.

Accessibility: For users with visual impairments, a light color scheme with high contrast can make a website more accessible.

Drawbacks of Light Mode

While there are several benefits to using a light color scheme, there are also some potential drawbacks:

Glare: A bright white background can cause glare, which can be uncomfortable for some users.

Blue Light: The blue light emitted by screens can disrupt sleep patterns, which can be a problem for users who spend a lot of time on their devices.

Battery Life: Light mode can drain battery life faster than dark mode, especially on devices with OLED screens.

Benefits of Dark Mode

Dark mode has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. Here are some of the benefits of using a dark color scheme:

Reduced Glare: A dark background reduces glare, which can be easier on the eyes.

Reduced Blue Light: Dark mode reduces the amount of blue light emitted by screens, which can help users sleep better.

Battery Life: Dark mode can help extend battery life on devices with OLED screens.

Drawbacks of Dark Mode

While dark mode has several benefits, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider:

Reduced Contrast: A dark background with light text can reduce contrast, making it harder to read for some users.

Unfamiliarity: Dark mode is still a relatively new concept, which means that some users may not be familiar or comfortable with it.

Accessibility: For users with visual impairments, a dark color scheme can make a website less accessible.

Which Should You Use?

So, which color scheme should you use on your website? Ultimately, it depends on your target audience and their preferences. If your users are primarily younger and more tech-savvy, they may prefer dark mode. If your website caters to an older or less tech-savvy demographic, they may be more comfortable with light mode.

Offering both options and allowing users to choose their preferred mode is something to consider as it has the potential to enhance the user experience and increase the accessibility of your website to a broader range of audiences.