Luke a Pro

Luke Sun

Developer & Marketer

Static or not static? That is the question

Published: Thu Dec 15 2022

Now you want to build your new website and your IT bring you another WordPress installation. when you browse the themes market and want to find another theme for your new website a question comes up, does this is the best way to start a new website in 2023?

Should your next website be static? What's the major difference between a static site and dynamic site?

I will try to answer your questions in this article.

FAQs for page speed

Published: Sat Dec 10 2022

Do you still wonder why page speed is so matters?

I have summary all the questions I received from the customers recently on this post.

Rethink your business website

Published: Mon Oct 24 2022

Does your website bring your result as you wished?

Almost every business gets a website now, but how well does the website work?

So many business websites are out of date, the most reason is the website didn't bring results, but why?